The Annual INTAGE FORUM in Tokyo
As in the past 10 years, the 11th INTAGE FORUM was organized by INTAGE Inc. in Tokyo. Ever since its incubation in year 2000, the main objective of the Forum is to update INTAGE clients and partners on recent development in research and marketing, particularly new services and methods that INTAGE has to offer. In addition, the Forum gives the opportunity for INTAGE staff, partners and clients to get acquainted and tighten their relationship.
This year, an overwhelming number of 1,091 participants gathered at Tokyo International Forum on October 25. The theme of the event was “Creating New Consumer-based Knowledge”, which aimed at precisely to understand the consumers’ mind by introducing many approaches in order to gain vital consumer insight. Presentations were made in mini-sessions of 7 topic categories, which include Management Strategy, Sales Strategy, Asia Local Insight, Healthcare, Social Marketing, and Support for Distribution System.
Booths were displayed to introduce the variety of business solutions that INTAGE Group offers:
- SCI-personal
- Marketing ROI
- Virtual Shelf Test
- Neuro-science Research
- Web Survey
In one of the mini-sessions, Asia Local Insight, Palasai Sookthis, one of the Directors of INTAGE (Thailand) presented a 4-country study on the “Changing World”. The study was conducted in July 2011 in: China, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand, 500 respondents in each, 2,000 respondents in total.
The study covered topics such as: Perceived living conditions, personal financial condition, personal spending, impact of major incidences and trends, and overall impact of the changing world.
Palasai Sookthis remarked how the changing world, most prominent with speed of technology, natural disasters, and political unrest, affected the Asians’ attitude and life style. There were similarities and differences depending on the country’s cultural heritage and other internal factors.
Palasai mapped out products that would fulfill the fundamental needs and emotional needs, for self and for family of the 4 countries.
At the end Palasai cautioned that in the Changing World, “One Size Doesn’t Fit All”. He raised examples of products and services that thrived in one country but failed in another due to the differences in the attitude and life style. He concluded that local culture and characters of the people should be considered when business leaders try to execute speed of changes.